Here are some simple but effective ways to develop a positive attitude and to better deal with the problems of life:

1.  Think positive; Don't dwell on negative things or bad things in your life.  The more you push away the negatives, the more positive thoughts can flourish.  I understand that this may not always be easy, but to dwell on your problems, weaknesses, or mistakes in life will only make negative thoughts the dominant ones.

2.  Look for the good things in life:  Of course there are bad things which happen in life, but that's true for all of us.  Even if you think there are more bad things which have happened to you than others, what good is it to dwell on them!  Healthy people look to the good, honest, positive, and rewarding things in this life.  It's easy to dwell on past problems, however, to do so will maintain a cycle of defeat!

3.  Learn to forgive and forget: When you hold grudges, it only hurts yourself.  Do you honestly think that you haven't hurt other people yourself!  In my experience, some of the biggest  complainers are the greatest offenders themselves.  We have ALL have been hurt and have hurt others as well.  If you have been hurt in some dramatic way, the more important it is to move on.

4.  Develop healthy friendships:  The key word is "healthy" relationships.  A person with a few vital, healthy, and challenging friends is almost always a happier person.  Being able to make and keep friends is a sign of being healthy.  All people need friends and a few people they can call close friends!

5.  Follow your interests and passions:  People who do the things they enjoy will almost always be happier than those who don't..  To following your passions is far more rewarding than just doing things in order to survive.

6.  Healthy living with a healthy diet will encourage a positive attitude: Reduce your weight, increase your level of exercise (Doctor approved), eat good food with less meat, and spend more time outdoors.  Healthy body, healthy mind!  This will not always be the case but there is certainly a strong connection.

7.  Be patient: There is a lot of unrest and discontment which comes from pushing forward, rushing, demanding, and always wanting things now.  How often have you wanted something right away yet when you got it, satisfaction was short lived.  Wait for good things to come your way then enjoy them.

8.  Do something good for your community or someone in need:  It is truly better to give than to receive.  People who help others are almost always happier people.  Don't be to proud to let someone do something nice for you!

9.  Get outdoors in the sun and enjoy nature: People who stay indoors are less likely to be positive.  Good weather, a sunny day, a walk out in nature will brighten your spirit!

10. Dont get caught up in "perfectionism" for yourself or others: We live in a world of imperfections.  There are so many values, ways of seeing things, and reasons why people do things the way they do that we must allign our expectations with the real world.  Wrong expectations or assumptions about life will only lead to depression. We see only a part of the big picture, make sure you are not looking at things you cant change!


Here Are Some Ideas To Think About:

A.  We create "brain wave nagativity" as a person dwells on negative things.  The only solution is to begin denying the negativity by replacing bad thoughts with good thoughts.  As good thoughts overcome the bad ones, your brain waves will more quickly connect to positive thoughts and give less space to negative ones.;

B.  People tend to find more agreement on negative things than positive things therefore people tend to talk about negative things more often.  Find the positive people in your group of friends and acquaintences and spend more time with them than those who look at the bad things in life.

C.  Laziness encourages poor attitudes.  Get up, do something, accomplish a goal, and reap the benefits.  The more people are engaged in meaningful activities, the less they will be challenged by depression.

D.  Gossip, being judgmental of others, or even thinking poorly of other people reduces your respect for humanity. Think good thoughts about people rather than bad ones and it will increase your potential to be a happier person.  

E.  Confidence and honesty breed a greater potential for happiness.  Think about what you believe and why, then live by those values.  Develop your level of confidence by accomplishing genuine goals.  People who are more concerned with outward appearances will suffer discontment.

F.  Treat others with kindness and respect.  People who don't get along with others are generally unhappy people.  Treat others the way you want to be treated.  Your positive treatment of others will build your own self esteem.

G.  Financial problems almost always lead to other problems.  Get your finances in order and see how much it impacts other parts of your life.  Living by sound financial principles reduces tension, anger, and allows for much greater personal security.






 Key Reasons Why People  Say They Are Unhappy:

1.   Lonliness: join an organization, church, or club

2.  Bordom: get involved in an absorbing hobby

3.  Lack Of material Things: change your standards from those determined by others

4.  Lack  Of  intimacy: develop a few close friends and maintain the relationships

5.  Suffering A Loss: don't dwell on it or make the loss greater than life itself, get involved in meaningful activities

6. Lack Of Resources: learn to do things which don't cost anything while you get your budget in order

7.  Lack Of Time: cut out non necessary activities; use what time you have wisely,  organixe your time better;  accept your situation and just learn to enjoy the little time that you do have

Above is the cover from my book. Order it through Amazon.

Consider these ideas!


 Learn to love.  Loving people, life, and your journey through this world will encourage your positive outlook!

Dance with the stars.  Spend time with positive and productive people.  Get away from those who get you down.   The more positive your environment, the greater the potential that it will rub off on you!

Be a frient to others.  The more affirming you are to others, the more you will get it back.  As this will not always be the case, it will generally be so.  People want to be around generallly happy people, be one of them!